Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Top Ten Eco Friendly Star Couples | Even Reese Gets Down On The Farm!

I was surfing the Internet today wondering what to post next and this posting on InStyle caught my eye. It talks about eco-friendly star couples and the "little" every day ways they are living a "green" lifestyle. Check it out:

1. Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal ~ Jake joined the Global Green Initiative and Reese gardens at her family farm outside of Los Angeles.

2. Jessica Alba and Cash Warren ~ Have been doing "green" renovations to their home and Jessica has been seen buying organic-cotton onesies for their daughter.

3. Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry ~ Have spent about $60k on environmentally friendly nurseries and only buys organic cotton baby clothes.

4. Rachel Bilson and Hayden Christensen ~ Christensen has bought an organic farm in Canada and Bilson line-drys her vintage clothes and has incorporated little eco-friendly ways into her daily routine, like recycling and driving her hybrid car.

5. Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O'Connell ~ Drive a Prius and have a purified water system in their home as well as solar panels.

6. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie ~ Brad has his green building efforts in helping to rebuild New Orleans and both are dedicated to building green communities.

7. Bono and Ali Hewson ~ Both are involved in green fashion with their organic Edun line, and they are very green around the house with a recycler, and an ethanol car.

8. Toby Maguire and Jennifer Meyer ~ Both are living the vegetarian lifestyle.

9. Keira Knightley and Rupert Friend ~ Shop at their local farmers market and use reusable bags to carry their organic purchases.

10. Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey ~ Recently rallied Capitol Hill to have toxins removed from children's vaccines (which have been alleged to cause autism).



*Photo courtesy of

1 comment:

  1. Oh! There he is...

    I knew you couldn't go much longer without Brad!
